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Thanks for the shout out

I was extremely gratified to read a recent blog post from our friends over at Techport Thirteen about the AssetTrack® online product demonstration I gave in mid-June. Poster Rob Swingle from Techport Thirteen was among the attendees.


I invite you to read the blog yourself, but I wanted to highlight a comment there I was particularly pleased to see:  “Now, I know that I am not an ITAM expert by any means, but I do know smart design and simple processes when I see them.. and AMI’s AssetTrack® has them both.”

…to make our products more useful by
making them easier to use

The reason that’s so good to hear is it vindicates one of our primary design goals here at AMI:  To make our products more useful by making them easier to use. Anyone in the software development business knows how easy it is to fall into the rabbit hole of complexity in an attempt to address every edge case scenario imaginable, in the process losing sight of the fact that “civilians” rather than programmers will use the software to do basic, repetitive tasks every day. Rob’s post repeatedly points out how AssetTrack’s ease of use is what empowers field users to quickly do what they need to without a lot of effort, an essential component for successful  hardware asset tracking for Techport Thirteen clients.

All this is especially flattering, coming as it does from Techport Thirteen. They’ve been around since 1996 – which is practically the beginning of the world in our industry – and have established a sterling reputation for competency and exceptional levels of service. They specialize in service management, alert management, asset management (where they commonly intersect with HP Asset Manager and AssetTrack®) and reporting solutions, and we’re proud to have them as strategic partners.


Thomas Watson - CEO of AMIAuthor: Tom Watson

Tom Watson is AMI’s President and CEO. He began his career in high tech in 1996, as a software engineer for his own software company. After a subsequent stint at IT Asset Management firm Micropath as senior architect for that company’s asset tracking system, he founded AMI to develop hardware asset tracking technology solutions for enterprise IT Asset Management customers.