Stop Stressing. Start Automating.

Use AssetTrack’s® proven RFID scanning solution — built on ServiceNow.

Automate asset management to free up people from doing slow, error-prone, manual tasks.


Automate More Work


Waste less time


Manage hardware Right

AssetTrack for ServiceNow RFID
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Not using RFID
is costing you plenty

Too often… it's too difficult for workers to audit assets—so they don’t. It takes too much time to manually record thousands of items. It's too hard to scan barcodes that are not within line-of-sight. It's too long & too risky to implement RFID without help. This means many wasted hours having people audit stockrooms, warehouses & data centers. And it's impossible to scale processes when piles of assets suddenly show up.

AssetTrack® + RFID for ServiceNow removes all that.

Ready to see how easy RFID can work for your biz?

Achieve. Better. Outcomes.

Tired of workers wasting too much time, making too many mistakes? With RFID scanning, built on ServiceNow, achieve…


Better choices

Make solid business decisions with asset data that is 100% accurate & complete


Better funding

Make a great case to get budget & improve ROI for future asset management projects


Better scanning

Scan everything in seconds—even if it’s not within eye sight


Better security

Make it damn hard for assets to go lost, missing or stolen


Better compliance

Do audits more often, in minutes, to quickly validate your data accuracy


Better morale

Lift spirits with more workers doing less mundane & manual activities

For AssetTrack software, pay no licensing fees
until you go live.

Bring RFID technology into your business

You’ll wonder why you ever waited. But wait no longer—get started today.

1st Step


Meet to understand your pains & goals. And show RFID approach & speed—right on your screen. See what it takes be more asset management mature & savvy.

2nd Step


Have an RFID expert prove & validate what’s needed for your environment. Tags, scanners, fixed position—all that. Get peace of mind before investing long term.

3rd Step


Watch everything happen better & (way) quicker. With data & analytics to mature your organization & tracking processes.

Want to feel like you ‘nailed it’ when it
comes to asset management?

About Assettrack RFID

We’ve seen a thing or two about asset management

Including countless asset managers losing sleep. By worrying how to wrangle their ServiceNow hardware assets. Or being frustrated with complaints about lost or broken assets. Or drained trying to get workers to do better. It’s like this… RFID technology relieves several pains. It helps people do less scanning & more of what they were hired for. It leaves no (or hardly any) assets behind. It works for any amount of assets, no matter how many. And… everyone feels pride using the latest technology.

Want to keep up with the others using RFID? More automation for everything asset-management? Greater respect & praise from field workers & business leaders?

Tom Watson

Tom Watson, Founder of AMI


We’re not a well-kept secret

Because we’ve been doing this a while. And…

Got dozens of Fortune 500 customers

Specialize in tracking assets for financial, healthcare & government

One of the few offering RFID integration for ServiceNow

Only Zebra-validated RFID solution in ServiceNow

5 of the top 25 banks are our customers

Ready to manage your ServiceNow assets
the way you always knew you could?

Don’t risk asset management any longer

“I don’t want to ever fail another audit. Frustrated we’re doing so much—manually. And tired of struggling to convince management to invest in the future. I want to transform how we do asset management. I want to see how RFID will help us, with my own eyes. So we can accomplish everything mentioned above.”

Nice. Couldn’t have said it any better ourselves.

Contact us. We’ll get back to you quickly to schedule a call or answer you question. Promise.

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Most asset managers struggle with workers wasting time & making mistakes doing manual tracking. We offer a proven RFID scanning solution already integrated with ServiceNow. So teams can automate more while keeping up with the competition.