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Accelerate Digital Transformation with a Control System

Companies of all sizes are doubling down on digital transformation in the wake of the coronavirus. IDC predicts that digital transformation will account for more than 50% of all information and communications technology investments by 2023, up from 36% in 2019.

So, two things:

  • If you aren’t working to accelerate digital transformation of your ITAM, you should be.
  • Digital transformation doesn’t have an endpoint. 

The fast pace of technology, market, business and other changes demands that ITAM will need to keep scouting for and applying new ways to automate, streamline, simplify, and continuously improve.


Digital transformation: don’t mix up means with ends 

Important point to keep in mind: The sole goal of digital transformation isn’t process or cost improvement per se. Rather, they are the means to an end. 

Digital transformation is about strategic outcomes:  It’s about acquiring and/or developing new capabilities and innovation, often technology-driven, that improve customer experience and create new markets to strengthen your brand, build market share and rev up revenues.

Within the IT organization, digital transformation gives you the critical tools, processes, skills, information and analytics to drive cost-efficient performance improvement and innovation necessary for creating, implementing and supporting new tech-enabled businesses, services and products. 

None of that will be easy or even possible to pull off without a rock-solid handle on your hardware assets. 


Control systems enable digital transformation

In support of digital transformation now and in the future, there are tried-and-true methods for locking in continuous improvement: Asset management control systems. 

An asset management control system is a set of data collection technologies and workflows that manages a system while driving improvement using feedback loops and data analytics. For ITAM, AssetTrack is the perfect asset management control system.


AssetTrack as your ITAM control system

Once you start looking at AssetTrack through the lens of a control system, you can accomplish at least twice as much: 

  • Track assets and automatically collect and upload key information for complete and current data accuracy
  • Identify exceptions and gaps throughout the hardware lifecycle, from purchase order reconciliations to moves, audits and disposal. 

IT asset managers naturally focus on the first goal—tracking hardware. By balancing that priority with the drive to digitally transform and improve ITAM, you can create a straight line to supporting enterprise strategic efforts. 

Analytics and Reporting

Using its analytics and reporting capabilities, AssetTrack gives you invaluable insights. You can use this information to:

  • make better-informed decisions
  • reduce both capital expenditures and operational costs
  • adjust processes for greater adherence, ease of use and efficiency 
  • improve purchasing, software licensing and vendor management
  • mitigate risk
  • enhance hardware availability, security and compliance

AssetTrack as an ITAM control system bakes in continuous improvement to drive ongoing digital transformation—making things faster, easier, more automated, more data-driven. It unites and amplifies the positive impact of the three pillars of IT asset management: People, process, and technology.  Read more about this:  Control Systems are Essential for ITAM Results


We’d be glad to discuss the power of an ITAM control system and leveraging AssetTrack to drive continuous improvement. Please drop me a line at [email protected]


Would you like to learn more?  Contact Us

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Every industry has unique assets to track with distinct reasons for tracking them. Whether you’re a government trying to enhance compliance or a manufacturer seeking to reduce machine downtime, our tailored approach to asset tracking allows us to address the nuanced challenges of any industry.

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